Let me introduce myself, or, just tell you about myself first. I DO have a name, but for the sake of my privacy, please just call me "X", or "Xz". Both work, and I like each the same. I am a beginner cartoonist, age 16. When I say I am a beginner, it doesn't mean I just started scribbling, it means that I am -to put it simply- horrid at drawing! OK really, I am not THAT bad, but I am still not good enough to make my own comic strip or anything, however, I have been drawing for a long time.
OK, back to the point of this blog. I am one of those kids that take the cartoon world very seriously. When I say "cartoon world" I seriously mean "CARTOON WORLD". When I see a cartoon I enjoy, and something happens to the character, I will feel for them, (whatever the circumstances) and not just for the length of the show, but even for weeks if it had a strong impact. This used to be of some trouble and annoyance to me, but now I find it a gift, and have decided to put some of my daily experiences onto paper (Or onto the computer in this case). I hope you will find something enjoyable about this blog as you read my daily experiences and struggles with my cartoons (Believe me, I had a difficult time convincing them to let me post this).
As I see it, a cartoon is a real, living creature. They do not have physical bodies, but are mere characters in our imagination. It is the creators job (if they wish) to spread the fact that his cartoon is in existence, usually by sketching them out on paper. This then shows us what this being looks like. The creator can then show a few lines of text and poses of the character that shows us what his (or her) personality is. So really, cartoon characters are really existent, but have a more difficult way of making themselves known because of the reliance on an artist.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not this mystical hoop-hap guy that is typing all this, but this is a fact. Cartoons are real, living creatures. They just live in our minds instead of bodies. The creator can transfer his character between people by showing us what they look like and showing us their personalities. I have just taken this fact a step further. I have my cartoon characters in my head, I know their personalities, their looks, their heights, what they sound like when they speak, I know everything about them. I imagine them in locations, so that instead of merely thinking about them, I can actually "see" them in my living quarters. I interact with them daily, they give me opinions, we even get in fights sometimes. This is what my blog will be about. I will not post every day, but I will post every night I remember to do so. So until my next post, avua!
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